Sunday, January 4, 2009

One Vision: PlayStation Buttons

While visiting family in Columbia, SC, I stumbled across an advertisement for an upcoming art exhibit called "Different Perspectives, One Vision." The point seemed to be pairing senior citizens with college students and having them work together to create some kind of finished viewable photography piece (the exact nature of the work was unclear from the ad).

However, inspiration struck, and I've invited several people to join in posting our own (humbly, more creativity-stimulating) version of the exhibit: each week, we'll have a challenge to take 4-8 pictures that depict the various parts of a pre-agreed set. One picture per piece, all pictures have to be have been personally taken by the submitter that week, and we'll agree on a layout ahead of time so that we'll have a generally easy time of matching each submitter's depiction of each piece of the set.

Sounds more complicated than it is. Here's this week's One Vision:

WEEK 1: PlayStation Buttons.
The PlayStation controller has four specialized buttons:
* Triangle
* Square
* Circle
* X
Take a photograph that depicts each of these; the final layout is the same as their layout on the PlayStation controller.


And here's my submission (click for full-size):

And other submissions:
T Hobgood (who's obviously a better photographer than I): Gamer's Got The Munchies

J Scronce's:

More to come?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I had no expectations going into this; now that I've seen your submission (and Ted's) I think it will inform and influence my next submissions for the better.